Pyramid of

John Wooden's

"The "PYRAMID OF SUCCESS" is the most powerful success document I have ever seen. During my time as an assistant at UCLA, I was taught the Pyramid of Success by my mentor, Coach Jim Harrick, who learned it from Coach John Wooden. Coach Wooden won 10 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS and Coach Harrick won 1 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! Amazing success!!!"
~Greg White
“Greg may be the brightest of all the young assistants that came through UCLA in the 80’s & 90’s. He has the total package.”
John Wooden, UCLA (10 National Championships) Basketball Hall of Fame

Global Reach,
Global Message
Greg has spoken, played or coached basketball in every state in the union and cities all over the world. In the corporate market, Greg speaks to Fortune 500 companies, ranging from Mercedes to BMW to Subway. In the educational markets, Greg has spoken to hundreds of K-12 school systems and university crowds, from UCLA to Kansas State to University of South Carolina, bringing his uplifting and informative message to every group imaginable.